
National Academy of Family Law Attorneys (NAFLA)
Ana Basora Walker has been named a 2021 Nationally Ranked Top 10 Attorney Award for excellence in the field of Family Law by the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys (NAFLA).

Member of the Oklahoma Bar Association
The Oklahoma Bar Association was created by the Oklahoma Supreme Court to advance the administration of justice and to foster and maintain learning, integrity, competence, public service and high standards of conduct among Oklahoma's legal community.

Oklahoma Bar Foundation
The Oklahoma Bar Foundation (OBF) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1946 by members of the Oklahoma Bar Association (OBA). Their goal is to accomplish law-related charitable good works throughout the state of Oklahoma.

Texas Bar Association
The mission of the State Bar of Texas is to support the administration of the legal system, assure all citizens equal access to justice, foster high standards of ethical conduct for lawyers, enable its members to better serve their clients and the public, educate the public about the rule of law and promote diversity in the administration of justice and the practice of law.